History MCQ Test – 38By Vinay Pal History MCQ Test Read the questions given below. Select the best from the given 4 options- Please enter your email: 1. Aurangzeb appointed his uncle Shaista Khan as Governor of Punjab Bengal Deccan Kashmir 2. Who had established the four Mathas or Monastic seats in the four corners of India? Bhaskaracharya Ramanujacharya Shankaracharya Madhavacharya 3. Chand Bibi was the ruler of Kashmir Ahmadnagar Mewar Bijapur 4. As per the Act of 1919 which of the following was not a Transferred subject? Museum Land Revenue Medical Relief Education 5. Bimbisara was succeeded by Chandragupta Maurya Vasudeva Ajatasatru Ashoka 6. The Working Committee of the Congress passed the Quit India resolution on June 30, 1942 July 14, 1942 August 10, 1942 August 8, 1942 7. Akbar had incorporated some principles of social reforms in the Din-i-illahi. Which of the following social reforms did not form part of Din-i- illahi? Monogamy Remarriage of widows Rejection of seclusion of women Prohibition of child marriage 8. What was the capital of Shivaji’s Kingdom? Karwar Raigarh Pune Purandhar 9. Koh-i-Noor diamond was presented to Aurangzeb by Mirkasim Mir Jumla Shah Jahan Shivaji 10. The Buddha believed in the theory of Karma Suggested An Alternative To The Theory Of Karma was non-committal on the theory of Karma rejected the theory of Karma 11. Who is the author of Vande Mataram? Mahatma Gandhi Bankim Chandra Chatterjee Rabindranath Tagore Sarat Chandra Chatterjee 12. When Babar invaded India in 1525, Humayun was the Governor of Kabul Badakhshan Fargana Herat 13. The Mughal government can be described as an/a Absolute monarchy Liberal monarchy Centralized despotism Autocracy 14. Which art did Jahangir patronize in particular? Sculpture Architecture Music Painting Loading …