History MCQ Test – 78

Read the questions given below. Select the best from the given 4 options-

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1. The term of office of a member of the Council of India as per the act of 1919 was


2. To whom is the statement “Cowardice and ahimsa do not go together any more than water and fire” attributed?


3. The Mauryan administration was highly


4. Many details regarding the village administration under the Cholas is provided by the inscriptions at


5. Akbar married a bride from


6. The first ruler of the Satavahanas was


7. The Sangam Age in the history of South India represents


8. Aligarh Muslim University was founded by


9. The Modi script had been employed in the documents of the


10. The Pandharpur Movement is associated with the Bhakti Movement of


11. Who was the first European to translate the Bhapad Gita into English?


12. Most of the rock-cut caves, chaityas, monasteries, temples, etc. at Ajanta and Ellora were built during the period of


13. Which of the following rivers does not find frequent mention in Rigvedic Hymns?


14. Kautilya (also known as Vishnugupta and Chanakya) is the author of Arthasastra which has been compared with


15. The Harappans did not know the use of


Question 1 of 15

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