Meaning of the term Amil

Meaning of the term Amil

Meaning of the term Amil used during Delhi Sultanate

The term “Amil” refers to a revenue collector or an agent appointed by the government to collect taxes and revenues during the Delhi Sultanate period in medieval India. The Amils were responsible for collecting revenue from various sources such as agriculture, trade, and commerce.

The appointment of Amils was an important aspect of the administration of the Delhi Sultanate as it helped in the smooth collection of revenue. The Sultanate was a vast empire, and the collection of revenue was a daunting task. The appointment of Amils helped in the decentralization of power and allowed the government to manage revenue collection at the local level.

The Amils were appointed by the Sultan or his provincial governors, and they were required to submit regular reports to the government about the revenue collected. The Amils were paid a commission for their services, and they were expected to maintain a detailed account of the revenue collected and the expenses incurred in the process.

The Amils were also responsible for ensuring that the taxes were collected fairly and justly, and that the taxpayers were not exploited or overburdened. In case of any disputes or grievances, the Amils were required to resolve them and ensure that the tax collection process remained transparent and accountable.

The role of Amils evolved over time, and they gained significant power and influence during the later years of the Delhi Sultanate. Some Amils became powerful regional leaders and played an important role in the politics of the period. However, their main function remained that of revenue collection and management.

Overall, the Amils played an important role in the administration of the Delhi Sultanate. They were responsible for the collection of revenue and taxes, and they helped in the decentralization of power and administration at the local level. The appointment of Amils helped in the efficient collection of revenue and ensured that the tax collection process remained transparent and accountable.

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