Meaning of the term Bhadagaradhikreta

Meaning of the term Bhadagaradhikreta

Meaning of the term Bhadagaradhikreta used during Gupta Period

Bhadagaradhikreta is a term used during the Gupta period in ancient India. It is derived from two words, “Bhada” which means wages or salary, and “Garadhikreta” which means a superintendent or a supervisor.

During the Gupta period, Bhadagaradhikreta was an official in the administration of the Gupta Empire responsible for supervising the wages and salaries of the employees. They were responsible for maintaining records of the wages paid to the employees, ensuring that they were paid on time, and that the wages were fair and just.

The Bhadagaradhikreta played an important role in ensuring that the employees were motivated and satisfied with their work. They were responsible for ensuring that the employees were paid according to their skills and experience and that they were paid regularly.

In addition to their role in managing wages and salaries, the Bhadagaradhikreta also played a role in the recruitment and training of the employees. They were responsible for identifying the skills and qualifications required for various jobs and recruiting the right candidates for the job. They were also responsible for training the employees and ensuring that they were equipped with the necessary skills to perform their jobs effectively.

The Bhadagaradhikreta was an important official in the administration of the Gupta Empire, responsible for managing the wages and salaries of the employees, recruiting and training the employees, and ensuring that the employees were motivated and satisfied with their work.

In conclusion, Bhadagaradhikreta was an important official during the Gupta period in ancient India, responsible for supervising the wages and salaries of the employees, managing recruitment and training, and ensuring that the employees were motivated and satisfied with their work.

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