Meaning of the term hihalgani

Meaning of the term hihalgani

Meaning of the term hihalgani used during Delhi Sultanate

The term “hihalgani” was used during the Delhi Sultanate period in medieval India to refer to the military personnel who were responsible for maintaining law and order and protecting the citizens of the Sultanate.

The hihalganis were usually recruited from the local population and were trained in military tactics and warfare. They were organized into small groups and were stationed in various parts of the Sultanate to provide security and protection to the people.

The hihalganis were responsible for patrolling the streets, maintaining public order, and protecting the citizens from criminals and other threats. They were also involved in the collection of taxes and revenues, and they often served as intermediaries between the local population and the government.

The hihalganis were an important part of the administration of the Delhi Sultanate, as they helped in maintaining law and order in the empire. They were often provided with arms and equipment by the government, and they were expected to perform their duties with diligence and honesty.

During times of war or conflict, the hihalganis were also expected to provide military support to the Sultanate. They were often called upon to serve in the army and were instrumental in defending the empire from external threats.

Overall, the hihalganis played an important role in the administration of the Delhi Sultanate. They were responsible for maintaining law and order, protecting the citizens, and providing military support to the empire. Their contributions helped in ensuring the stability and security of the Sultanate during a period of significant political and social change.

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