Meaning of the term Kantakasodhanas

Meaning of the term Kantakasodhanas

Meaning of the term Kantakasodhanas used during Mauryan Empire

The term “Kantakasodhanas” refers to the officials in the Mauryan Empire who were responsible for clearing obstacles or removing impediments in the way of the smooth functioning of the administration. The term is derived from the Sanskrit words “kantaka” meaning obstacle and “sodhana” meaning removal or clearing.

The Kantakasodhanas were officials of the Mauryan Empire who were responsible for identifying and removing obstacles or impediments that were affecting the smooth functioning of the administration. These obstacles could be physical or administrative in nature, such as obstacles in the transportation of goods or hindrances in the collection of taxes.

The Kantakasodhanas were also responsible for the maintenance of law and order in their assigned regions. They were required to identify and address any issues or problems that arose in their areas of responsibility, such as disputes between individuals or communities, or cases of theft or other crimes.

In addition to their administrative duties, the Kantakasodhanas were also involved in the collection of taxes and revenue for the Mauryan state. They were responsible for ensuring that taxes were collected in a timely and efficient manner and that the revenue generated was used for the benefit of the people.

Overall, the Kantakasodhanas played an important role in the Mauryan Empire by ensuring that the administration functioned smoothly and that obstacles to the smooth functioning of the state were removed. They were responsible for maintaining law and order and for ensuring that taxes and revenue were collected in a fair and efficient manner.

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