Meaning of the term Naibwazir

Meaning of the term Naibwazir

Meaning of the term Naibwazir used during Delhi Sultanate

Naibwazir, also known as the Deputy Wazir, was an important position in the Delhi Sultanate administration. The Wazir, or the Prime Minister, was the highest ranking official in the sultanate, and the Naibwazir was his deputy. The Naibwazir had the authority to exercise the powers and functions of the Wazir in his absence or when the Wazir was occupied with other affairs.

The Naibwazir was responsible for the management and administration of the royal court and the state treasury. He also supervised the collection of revenue from the provinces and ensured that the taxes were promptly sent to the royal treasury. The Naibwazir also played an important role in the administration of justice, particularly in the appointment and supervision of Qazis or Islamic judges.

In the later period of the Delhi Sultanate, the Naibwazir became more powerful and influential, often rivaling the Wazir in terms of authority and influence. Several powerful nobles held this position, and some of them even succeeded to the throne.

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