Meaning of the term Qazi-ul-kazat

Meaning of the term Qazi-ul-kazat

Meaning of the term Qazi-ul-kazat used during Delhi Sultanate

During the Delhi Sultanate, the term Qazi-ul-kazat referred to the chief judge or head of the Islamic court system. The Qazi-ul-kazat was responsible for administering justice in accordance with Islamic law and principles.

The Qazi-ul-kazat was appointed by the Sultan and held a high position in the court. They were responsible for hearing and deciding cases in the Islamic courts, which were known as qazis. They also oversaw the work of other judges and qazis throughout the Sultanate.

In addition to their judicial duties, the Qazi-ul-kazat also played an important role in religious and cultural affairs. They were responsible for ensuring that Islamic law was upheld in the Sultanate and that the legal system reflected Islamic principles. They also provided guidance on matters of Islamic law and doctrine and oversaw religious ceremonies.

Overall, the Qazi-ul-kazat was a key figure in the Delhi Sultanate, responsible for upholding Islamic law and ensuring that justice was administered fairly and impartially.

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