Meaning of the term Spasa

Meaning of the term Spasa

Meaning of the term Spasa used during Vedic Period

The term “Spasa” was used during the Vedic period in ancient India to refer to physical touch or contact. The term comes from the Sanskrit word “spasa,” which means “touch,” “contact,” or “feeling.”

In Vedic society, physical touch was an important aspect of daily life, and it played a significant role in religious and social practices. The concept of Spasa was particularly important in rituals and ceremonies, where it was believed to convey spiritual energy or power.

The concept of Spasa was also associated with the idea of purity and pollution. In Vedic society, certain types of physical contact were considered impure or polluting, such as contact with a dead body or with someone from a lower social caste. These impurities could be removed through various rituals and purifying practices, such as bathing or reciting mantras.

Overall, the concept of Spasa played an important role in the social and religious practices of the Vedic period, and it continued to be significant in later periods of Indian history.

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