Prorogation of house

Prorogation of House

Prorogation of the house refers to the end of a session of the Indian Parliament. The President of India has the power to prorogue the House, which means bringing an end to the current session of Parliament.

When a session of Parliament comes to an end, the business of the House is also concluded. Bills that have not been passed are not carried over to the next session but have to be reintroduced. Motions and resolutions that are not disposed of lapse, and committees that have not submitted their reports are deemed to have been dissolved.

The prorogation of the House does not dissolve the House itself. The members of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha continue to be Members of Parliament until the next general election, unless they resign or are disqualified.

Once the House is prorogued, the President summons the next session of Parliament. The date and time of the next session are announced by the President, and the business to be transacted during the session is also notified.

Prorogation is an important event in the functioning of Parliament, as it marks the end of a session and paves the way for a new session to begin.

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