Animosity Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Animosity – Noun

Animosity Meaning in English:

      • hatred
      • hostility
      • opposition
      • dislike

It represents deep-seated resentment or ill will.

Animosity Meaning in Hindi:

      • रंजिश
      • द्वेष
      • विरोध
      • घृणा

Use of “Animosity” Word in Sentences, Examples

  • English: The two countries have a long history of animosity.
  • Hindi: दोनों देशों के बीच लंबे समय से दुश्मनी का इतिहास रहा है।
  • English: The two teams were filled with animosity towards each other.
  • Hindi: दोनों टीमों में एक-दूसरे के प्रति दुश्मनी भरी थी।
  • English: The politician’s speech was full of animosity towards his opponents.
  • Hindi: राजनेता के भाषण में उनके विरोधियों के प्रति घृणा भरी थी।

Synonyms of Animosity: Hostility, enmity, ill will, antipathy.

Antonyms of Animosity: Friendliness, goodwill, amity.


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