Parliamentary form of government

Parliamentary form of Government

The Indian Constitution provides for a parliamentary form of government, which is a system in which the executive branch is accountable to the legislature. Some of the features of the parliamentary form of government in the Indian Constitution are:

  1. Bicameral Legislature: The Indian Parliament consists of two Houses – the Lok Sabha (lower house) and the Rajya Sabha (upper house). The Lok Sabha is directly elected by the people, while the members of the Rajya Sabha are indirectly elected by the state legislative assemblies.
  2. Executive responsible to the Legislature: The Council of Ministers, headed by the Prime Minister, is collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha, which means that they are accountable to the House for their policies and actions. The Prime Minister and other Ministers can be removed from office by a vote of no-confidence in the Lok Sabha.
  3. Role of Opposition: The parliamentary form of government in India provides for an effective opposition that can hold the government accountable for its actions. The opposition parties have the power to question the government in the Parliament, introduce their own bills, and move resolutions to express their dissent.
  4. Parliamentary Committees: The Indian Parliament has several committees that scrutinize the functioning of the executive, examine bills in detail, and make recommendations to the House. These committees ensure that the executive is accountable to the legislature and that legislation is thoroughly scrutinized before it is passed.
  5. Speaker and Deputy Speaker: The Lok Sabha has a Speaker and the Rajya Sabha has a Deputy Chairman, who preside over the proceedings of the House. They maintain order, regulate the conduct of business, and ensure that the rules of the House are followed.

These features of the parliamentary form of government in the Indian Constitution ensure that the executive is accountable to the legislature and that the government is responsible for its policies and actions. They also provide for an effective opposition and a system of checks and balances that ensure that the government is held accountable to the people.

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