Mediocre – Adjective
Mediocre Meaning in English:
- ordinary
- common
That describes something of average or ordinary quality, not particularly good or impressive.
Mediocre Meaning in Hindi:
- औसत
Use of “Mediocre” Word in Sentences, Examples
- English: The performance of the team was mediocre, and they failed to meet expectations.
- Hindi: टीम का प्रदर्शन मामूली था और उन्होंने उम्मीदों को पूरा नहीं किया।
- English: The movie received mediocre reviews from critics and failed to make an impact at the box office.
- Hindi: फ़िल्म को क्रिटिक्स से मामूली समीक्षाएं मिलीं और बॉक्स ऑफिस पर कोई प्रभाव नहीं डाली।
- English: The restaurant served mediocre food that was neither exceptional nor disappointing.
- Hindi: रेस्टोरेंट ने मामूली खाना पेश किया जो न अद्वितीय था और न ही निराशाजनक।
Synonyms of Mediocre: ordinary, unexceptional, undistinguished, unremarkable, middling
Antonyms of Mediocre: excellent, superb, outstanding, exceptional, extraordinary
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