Planning commission

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission of India was a non-constitutional and non-statutory body that was established in 1950 to formulate and oversee the country’s five-year plans, which are comprehensive plans for economic and social development. The commission was responsible for assessing the resources of the country, identifying the developmental needs, and formulating the plans and programs to achieve them.

The Planning Commission was replaced by the NITI Aayog in 2015. The National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog is a policy think-tank of the Indian government that aims to provide strategic and technical advice to the government on various policy matters. It serves as a platform for cooperative federalism by facilitating the participation of the states in the economic policy-making process.

The Planning Commission played a key role in the economic development of India, particularly during the early stages of the country’s post-independence era. The commission was responsible for implementing a range of programs and policies aimed at promoting economic growth and social welfare. It also played an important role in the development of infrastructure, the agricultural sector, and the industrial sector.

The Planning Commission was headed by the Prime Minister of India, who served as the ex-officio chairman. The commission also included several other members, such as the Deputy Chairman, the Minister of Finance, and the Minister of Planning. The commission worked closely with various ministries and departments of the government to implement its plans and programs.

The Planning Commission was dissolved due to criticism that it was outdated and had failed to keep pace with the changing economic and social landscape of India. The NITI Aayog was established with the aim of promoting a more modern and dynamic approach to economic planning and development in the country.

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