Temerity – Noun
Temerity Meaning in English:
- Audacity
- Boldness
It describes a willingness to take bold risks or make daring choices without considering potential consequences.
Temerity Meaning in Hindi:
- अकारण उत्साह
Use of “Temerity” Word in Sentences, Examples
English: His temerity in challenging the undefeated champion was both admirable and foolish.
Hindi: उसकी अद्वितीय चैम्पियन को चुनौती देने में उसकी धृतता साहसी और मूर्ख साथ हुआ।
English: Only someone with great temerity would attempt to climb that treacherous mountain without proper gear.
Hindi: केवल उसके पास विशेष धृतता होगा जो ठीक से गियर के बिना वह खतरनाक पहाड़ पर चढ़ने का प्रयास करेगा।
English: The temerity of the young artist to challenge the traditional art forms led to groundbreaking innovations.
Hindi: युवा कलाकार की धृतता ने पारदर्शी सुधार की ओर बढ़ने में मदद की।
Synonyms of Temerity: Audacity, recklessness, boldness, daring, nerve.
Antonyms of Temerity: Caution, prudence, timidity, hesitance, modesty.
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