One Word Substitution Quiz 20By Kirti One Word Substitution Quiz 20- Choose the best one out of the four alternatives which can be substituted for the given group of words/sentence- Please enter your email: 1. Tending to spend much time seated; somewhat inactive. Sedentary Itinerant Movable Carpent 2. One who does not follow the usual rules of social life Impose Physician Artisan Partisan 3. One who stays away from school without permission Mendicant Supplicant Partial Truant 4. Placing thing beside another Repose Juxtapose Expose Chaplin 5. The act of killing one’s own father Patricide Fratricide Parasite Carnivore 6. Belonging to middle class Elite Active Bourgeois Middle 7. Fear from mountain Cibophobia pterophobia Orophobia Coprophobia 8. Wood prepared for use in building and carpentry Wooden Painter Bohemian Timber 9. To be biased against Gesture Predestined Prejudiced Objective 10. An animal living on fish Herbivore Parasite Piscivore Rambler 11. A person without or Training or experience in a skill or subject Mason Artisan Pedant Novice 12. A short trip or excursion Detour Jaunt Stroller Remark 13. A book that sells in very large number Hit Bestseller Super Boom 14. Fear from diseases Nosophobia Ombrophobia Pterophobia Pterophobia 15. Motive or incitement to action Rhetoric Incentive Proposition Contract 16. Motion of Head, Hands etc, As a mode of expression indicating attitude. Grin Grimace Parricide Gestation 17. Special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand. Jargon Chip Verbatim Pedantic 18. A small piece of potato Scrap Ochlophobia Chunk Bit 19. A place where animal skin is made into leather Stooge Tarot Tannery Seller 20. A long step in walking Sprig Stroll Stride Walking Loading …