NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 3 Nazism and The Rise of Hitler

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 History Chapter 3 provides students with a simplified understanding of the historical events discussed in the chapter. The chapter highlights the rise of Hitler to power in Germany in September 1919, when he joined the political party initially known as the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German Workers’ Party). In 1920, the party’s name was changed to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers’ Party or Nazi Party).

By solving the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 3 Nazism and The Rise of Hitler, students can gain a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered and recognize the significance of these historical events. These solutions facilitate the exploration of connections between different events in history, allowing students to develop a deeper comprehension of the subject matter.

Question 1. Describe the problems faced by the Weimar Republic.


The Weimar Republic, established in Germany after World War I, faced numerous challenges and problems throughout its existence. Some of the major issues it confronted were:

Political Instability: The Weimar Republic had to contend with a fragmented political landscape characterized by numerous political parties with diverse ideologies. This led to frequent changes in governments and coalition struggles, making it difficult to establish a stable governing structure.

Economic Crisis: The Weimar Republic faced severe economic difficulties, including hyperinflation and high unemployment rates. The burdensome war reparations imposed by the Treaty of Versailles added to the economic strain, leading to social unrest and a loss of public confidence in the government.

Social and Cultural Discontent: The Weimar Republic witnessed social and cultural conflicts, as traditional conservative elements clashed with more progressive and liberal forces. There was a divide between urban and rural areas, and tensions arose between different social classes, exacerbating political divisions.

Threat of Extremism: The Weimar Republic faced threats from both the far-left and far-right political factions. Communist uprisings, such as the Spartacist Uprising, and paramilitary organizations, such as the Nazi Party’s SA (Sturmabteilung), aimed to undermine the democratic system and seize power.

Weaknesses in the Constitution: The Weimar Constitution contained inherent weaknesses, including the ability of the president to rule by decree and the proportional representation electoral system, which often resulted in unstable coalition governments. These weaknesses made the government vulnerable to authoritarian tendencies and hindered effective decision-making.

Lack of Public Support: Many Germans held resentment towards the Weimar Republic due to the perceived humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles and the perception that the government had failed to address the country’s economic and social problems adequately. This lack of public support contributed to a broader disillusionment with democratic governance.

These challenges and problems ultimately created an environment conducive to the rise of extremist movements, particularly the Nazi Party under Adolf Hitler. The Weimar Republic’s inability to effectively address these issues ultimately contributed to its downfall and the establishment of a totalitarian regime in Germany.

Question 2. Discuss why Nazism became popular in Germany by 1930.


Nazism gained popularity in Germany by 1930 due to several factors. The country was facing economic turmoil, including hyperinflation and high unemployment rates, which the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) promised to address. Germany’s national humiliation and resentment stemming from the Treaty of Versailles provided a fertile ground for the NSDAP’s message of restoring national pride. Adolf Hitler’s charismatic leadership and effective propaganda techniques appealed to the disillusioned masses. The NSDAP scapegoated minority groups, particularly Jews, and presented itself as a defender against communism. The weaknesses of the Weimar Republic and the NSDAP’s youth appeal and paramilitary strength further contributed to its popularity. These factors combined to create a climate where many Germans embraced the NSDAP as an alternative to the existing political and economic order.

Question 3. What are the peculiar features of Nazi thinking?


Nazi thinking was characterized by several peculiar features that distinguished it from other ideologies. Here are some of the key peculiarities of Nazi thinking:

Aryan Supremacy: Nazis propagated the belief in the supposed superiority of the Aryan race, considering it as the pinnacle of human civilization. They sought to promote Aryan dominance and considered other races, particularly Jews, as inferior and unworthy.

Anti-Semitism: Anti-Semitism was a central component of Nazi ideology. Nazis held a deep-seated hatred towards Jews, blaming them for various societal problems and portraying them as a threat to the Aryan race. Anti-Semitic policies were implemented with the aim of excluding and persecuting Jews.

Totalitarianism: Nazis aimed for total control over all aspects of society, advocating for a totalitarian state where the government had complete authority and individuals were subservient to the state. They sought to eliminate political opposition, suppress dissent, and tightly regulate all aspects of public and private life.

Expansionist and Militaristic Policies: The Nazis had a strong desire for territorial expansion and sought to create a Greater German Reich. They pursued aggressive foreign policies, annexing territories and engaging in military aggression to fulfill their expansionist goals.

Racial Purity and Eugenics: Nazis propagated the idea of racial purity and promoted eugenics, which aimed to improve the genetic quality of the Aryan race. They implemented policies such as forced sterilization and euthanasia to eliminate individuals considered genetically “undesirable” or “unfit.”

Cult of the Leader: The Nazis fostered a cult-like reverence for Adolf Hitler, portraying him as the embodiment of the nation and the ultimate authority. Hitler’s charismatic leadership and persona were instrumental in shaping Nazi thinking and mobilizing support.

Propaganda and Indoctrination: Nazis effectively used propaganda and indoctrination techniques to manipulate public opinion and shape societal beliefs. They controlled media, education, and cultural institutions to disseminate their ideologies and ensure conformity to Nazi ideals.

These peculiar features of Nazi thinking reflect the extreme and dangerous nature of their ideology, which ultimately led to the perpetration of heinous crimes and atrocities during their regime.

Question 4. Explain why Nazi propaganda was effective in creating hatred for Jews.


Nazi propaganda played a crucial role in fueling and intensifying hatred for Jews. Here are some reasons why Nazi propaganda was effective in creating such animosity:

Repetition and Manipulation: Nazi propaganda employed relentless repetition of anti-Semitic messages and stereotypes, ensuring their constant presence in various forms of media and public discourse.

Scapegoating and Blame: Nazis presented Jews as a convenient scapegoat for Germany’s problems, blaming them for economic hardships, political unrest, and social discontent.

Dehumanization and Demonization: Nazi propaganda depicted Jews as subhuman, evil, and dangerous.

Manipulation of Fear and Anxiety: Nazi propaganda exploited existing fears and anxieties among the German population, emphasizing the perceived threat posed by Jews.

Appeal to National Identity: Nazi propaganda tapped into notions of national pride, cultural heritage, and racial purity. They propagated the idea that Jews were polluting German blood and undermining German identity.

Control of Media and Information: The Nazis tightly controlled media outlets, ensuring that their propaganda dominated the narrative and suppressed opposing viewpoints.

Emotional Manipulation: Nazi propaganda appealed to emotions rather than reason, evoking strong emotional responses such as fear, anger, and resentment.

These tactics employed by Nazi propaganda effectively manipulated public opinion, creating a climate of intense hatred and hostility towards Jews. The relentless dissemination of anti-Semitic messages, combined with emotional manipulation, scapegoating, and the reinforcement of negative stereotypes, contributed to the rise of anti-Semitism and ultimately enabled the implementation of genocidal policies during the Nazi regime.

Question 5. Explain what role women had in Nazi society. Return to Chapter 1 on the French Revolution. Write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the role of women in the two periods.


In Nazi society, women were assigned specific roles and responsibilities that aligned with the ideology of the Nazi regime. The primary role of women in Nazi Germany was seen as the propagation of the Aryan race through motherhood and childbearing. They were expected to prioritize their duties as wives and mothers, emphasizing traditional gender roles and domestic responsibilities. Nazi propaganda idealized the image of the “German mother” as the epitome of virtue and selflessness. Women were encouraged to focus on nurturing and raising children to become future members of the Nazi state. Their participation in the workforce was discouraged, and they were encouraged to support their husbands and families at home.

In contrast, the role of women during the French Revolution in the late 18th century was more diverse and complex. While women were not granted equal rights or political participation during that period, they played a significant role in the revolutionary events. Women actively participated in demonstrations, protests, and political clubs. They demanded social and political equality, advocating for women’s rights and challenging gender norms. Some notable women, such as Olympe de Gouges, called for women’s rights in their writings and speeches. However, despite their active involvement, the French Revolution did not result in significant advancements in women’s rights.

Key Difference- A key difference between the two periods is that women in Nazi society were largely confined to the private sphere, with their primary role centered on reproduction and domesticity. In contrast, women during the French Revolution played a more visible and engaged role in the public sphere, actively participating in political activities and advocating for their rights. While both periods saw limitations on women’s rights and opportunities, the French Revolution provided more opportunities for women to challenge societal norms and demand equality.

Question 6. In what ways did the Nazi state seek to establish total control over its people?


President Paul Von Hindenburg of the Weimar Republic appointed Hitler as the chancellor of Germany, a decision that would have far-reaching consequences. Soon after, an inexplicable fire erupted in the Reichstag, Germany’s parliamentary building. Seizing the opportunity, Hitler attributed the act of arson to communists and other perceived enemies of the state, leading to the enactment of the First Fire Decree in 1933. This decree suspended essential civic rights, including freedom of speech, press, and assembly, effectively granting Hitler control over the German population. Subsequently, Hitler pursued a series of measures aimed at systematically dismantling democracy:

  • The Enabling Act was passed, conferring unchecked authority upon Hitler to sideline the parliament and rule by decree.
  • All political parties, except for the Nazi Party, were outlawed, resulting in the imprisonment, exile, or assassination of members affiliated with these banned parties.
  • The communist faction was targeted for eradication, with the remaining members being sent to concentration camps.
  • Special security forces such as the SA, SS, SD, and Gestapo were established to exert control and impose the Nazi agenda upon society, granting extensive extrajudicial powers.
  • Educational institutions were utilized as instruments of indoctrination, instilling loyalty, obedience, and a culture of hatred towards Jews, while glorifying Hitler, thus fostering a personality cult.
  • Nazi youth organizations like the ‘Jungvolk’ and ‘Hitler Youth’ were created to indoctrinate young minds with animosity towards democracy, communism, Jews, and other perceived “undesirables.”
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