Gadar Movement

What's Inside?


A. Overview of the Gadar Movement

The Gadar Movement holds a unique place in the annals of the Indian freedom struggle. It was a revolutionary campaign initiated by Indian immigrants, primarily Punjabis of Sikh, Muslim, and Hindu faiths in North America, against British rule in India. The movement got its name from the ‘Gadar Party’, which was founded in 1913, and the Urdu word ‘Gadar’ itself means ‘revolt’ or ‘mutiny’.

The Gadar Movement symbolizes the first major attempt at an organized, large-scale revolt against British rule, with the intent to free India through an armed rebellion. It was a significant deviation from the peaceful, non-violent resistance that characterized the mainstream freedom movement. Though the Gadar Movement did not achieve its immediate objectives, its impact resonated across the country and instilled a renewed sense of nationalism among Indians worldwide.

B. Gadar Movement History and Background

The seeds of the Gadar Movement were sown in the early 20th century with a growing sense of disillusionment among Indians, particularly Sikhs, who had migrated to other countries, primarily the United States and Canada. These immigrants faced racial prejudice and socio-economic hardships in their host countries, which fueled resentment against the British Empire, seen as the root cause of their difficulties.

Moreover, the political and social changes happening in India provided a fertile ground for revolutionary ideas. The nationalist movement was gathering momentum, and Indians were increasingly demanding self-rule. Against this backdrop, the formation of the Gadar Party in 1913 by Lala Hardayal marked the formal beginning of the Gadar Movement. The outbreak of World War I in 1914 further catalyzed the Movement as the Gadarites saw it as an opportunity to exploit the British government’s preoccupation with the war. The Movement aimed to incite rebellions within the British Indian army and spark an uprising in India while the British were engaged on multiple war fronts.

In essence, the Gadar Movement was an embodiment of courage, commitment, and a burning desire for freedom. Although it was ultimately suppressed by the British, it sowed the seeds for future revolutionary movements and continues to be remembered as a symbol of resistance and rebellion against British rule.

Genesis and Evolution of the Movement

A. Early 20th Century: Sikh Exodus and Resentment Towards British

The Gadar Movement took root in the early 20th century during a period of significant Indian migration, particularly among the Sikh community, to North America and other parts of the world. These migrants, often escaping economic hardship in their homeland, were met with racial discrimination and social injustice in their host countries. This experience fuelled resentment against the British Empire, which they perceived as responsible for both their plight in India and their subsequent struggles abroad.

B. Gadar Party Formation: Key Influencers and Founding Members

The Gadar Party was established in 1913 in San Francisco, United States, by a group of Indian immigrants. The party was influenced by a number of key figures who were actively advocating against British rule in India. This includes Lala Har Dayal, a scholar and activist, Sohan Singh Bhakna, an immigrant worker and labor rights activist, and other notable personalities like Barkatullah Bhopali and Bhagwan Singh Gyanee.

C. Lala Hardayal, India House and Launch of the Gadar Party

Lala Har Dayal played a pivotal role in the formation of the Gadar Party. A scholar turned activist, Dayal had previously been associated with India House in London, a hub for Indian student political activity. After relocating to the US, he began to mobilize the Indian immigrant community and advocate for an armed rebellion against British rule in India. Dayal, along with other founding members, launched the Gadar Party and its namesake publication, ‘Gadar’, which served as a potent tool for spreading their revolutionary message.

D. Evolution of the Gadar Movement

Post its inception, the Gadar Movement rapidly gained momentum. The outbreak of World War I in 1914 offered a strategic opportunity for the Gadarites. They believed that the British preoccupation with the war would make them vulnerable to internal rebellion. Many Gadarites returned to India with the intention of inciting mutinies within the British Indian Army.

Despite the eventual failure of the planned uprising and the subsequent suppression of the movement by British intelligence, the Gadar Party continued its activities, albeit on a smaller scale, throughout the war. It served as an inspiration for future revolutionary movements against British rule in India and significantly influenced the course of India’s struggle for independence. The Gadar Movement, thus, evolved from a diasporic campaign for independence into a symbol of global anti-colonial resistance.

Ideology, Objectives, and Features of the Gadar Party

A. The Gadar Party’s Ideology and Political Philosophy

The ideology of the Gadar Party was deeply rooted in anti-colonialism and a fervent desire for complete independence from British rule. The party was founded on the principles of revolutionary nationalism and global solidarity against imperial powers. It adopted a secular approach, unifying Indians across religious and regional lines towards a shared goal of liberating India.

The Gadar Party believed in direct action and armed rebellion as the means to overthrow the British regime. This belief marked a significant departure from the methods of constitutional struggle and peaceful non-cooperation favored by the mainstream Indian National Congress. Lala Har Dayal, one of the key ideologues of the party, advocated the philosophy of “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”, deriving inspiration from the French Revolution.

B. Gadar Movement Objectives

The primary objective of the Gadar Movement was to end British rule in India through an armed revolution. The Gadarites aimed to incite mutinies within the British Indian Army, which they saw as the backbone of the British Empire in India. They believed that such an uprising, combined with a coordinated civilian rebellion, would be sufficient to expel the British.

Another critical objective of the Gadar Movement was to unite the Indian diaspora worldwide and harness their support for the cause of India’s independence. The Gadar Party aimed to instill a sense of patriotism among overseas Indians and mobilize them toward the goal of freeing their motherland.

C. Features of the Gadar Party

The Gadar Party was unique in several aspects. Its revolutionary and militant approach to the struggle for independence was a significant departure from the contemporary political trends in India.

The party was secular and inclusive, encompassing members from diverse religious, regional, and socio-economic backgrounds. This inclusivity was a defining feature of the Gadar Party, setting it apart from other contemporary political groups.

The Gadar Party also displayed a remarkable level of organization. Despite being formed by immigrant workers in a foreign land, the party quickly established a widespread network of supporters in various countries, reflecting the strong organizational capabilities of its leaders.

Moreover, the Gadar Party made effective use of print media for propaganda. The party’s newspaper, also named ‘Gadar’, played a crucial role in disseminating the party’s ideology and revolutionary message, encouraging Indians worldwide to join the fight against British imperialism.

Significant Events and Activities

A. Activities of the Gadar Party

The Gadar Party was extremely active in its short lifespan. Apart from spreading political awareness among Indian immigrants through public meetings and speeches, the party utilized the power of the printed word to great effect. Their newspaper, ‘Gadar’, printed in multiple languages, carried articles promoting rebellion against British rule and awakening a spirit of patriotism among Indians. The party also set up a network of contacts in different countries and organized training in guerrilla warfare for its members.

B. Gadar Movement Activities Under Various Leaders

Under the leadership of key figures like Lala Har Dayal, Sohan Singh Bhakna, and Ram Chandra, the Gadar Movement executed numerous activities aimed at mobilizing people and resources for an armed rebellion in India. They developed extensive international connections, garnering support from anti-British entities like Germany and the Irish Republican movement. The party leaders also coordinated the return of several members to India to incite mutiny within the British Indian Army.

C. The Komagata Maru Incident of 1914 and its Importance

The Komagata Maru incident was a significant event that catalyzed the Gadar Movement. The incident involved a Japanese ship, Komagata Maru, which carried Indian immigrants (mostly Sikhs) from Hong Kong to Canada. However, the Canadian authorities denied them entry due to exclusionary immigration laws. The ship was forced to return to India, where, on its arrival in Calcutta, the passengers were seen as political agitators by British authorities. This led to a violent confrontation where many passengers were killed, and others were arrested or forced into hiding.

D. Implications of the Komagatamaru Incident on Indian History

The Komagata Maru incident had a profound impact on Indian history. The incident exposed the racial discrimination faced by Indians abroad and highlighted the reach of British imperialism. It triggered widespread protests in India and among the Indian diaspora and intensified anti-British sentiments, providing a significant boost to the Gadar Movement. The incident also had a lasting impact on immigration laws in Canada and other Western countries.

E. Arrival of Gadar in India and Suppression by British

The Gadar Movement gained significant momentum in 1914, with many members returning to India with the aim of sparking a rebellion. However, British intelligence had infiltrated the movement, and the planned uprising was suppressed even before it could gain ground. Many Gadarites were arrested and tried for treason in the Lahore Conspiracy Case. Despite the heavy crackdown, the Gadar Movement had successfully stirred a spirit of rebellion among Indians and paved the way for future revolutionary movements against British rule.

Revolution, Failure, and Legacy

A. Revolution and the Gadar Party: An Attempt to Overthrow the British Empire

The Gadar Party stands out in the history of India’s independence movement as a symbol of revolution and armed resistance. Unlike the mainstream freedom movement led by the Indian National Congress that advocated constitutional struggle, the Gadar Party chose the path of rebellion. They aimed at nothing less than the complete overthrow of the British Empire in India. Gadarites believed that an armed revolution was the most effective way to end British rule and that Indians in every part of the world had a role to play in this fight for freedom.

B. Causes of Failure of the Gadar Party

The Gadar Party’s ambitious plans were not fulfilled, and several reasons contributed to its failure. First, British intelligence infiltrated the party early on, and many of its plots were foiled even before they could be executed. Second, despite their efforts, the Gadar Party could not incite a large-scale rebellion within the British Indian Army, primarily due to the loyalty of Indian soldiers to the British. Lastly, the Gadarites expected substantial support from Germany during World War I. Still, the promised support did not materialize effectively, leaving the Gadarites without the crucial resources needed for the uprising.

C. Legacy of the Gadar Movement

Despite its short lifespan and ultimate failure, the Gadar Movement left a lasting legacy. It marked the beginning of a revolutionary trend within the Indian independence movement and laid the groundwork for later armed resistance against British rule. The Gadarites’ courage and commitment to the cause of freedom inspired subsequent generations of freedom fighters.

The Gadar Movement also highlighted the role of the global Indian diaspora in India’s struggle for independence. The Gadarites, with their international connections and influence, drew global attention to the cause of Indian independence and added a new dimension to the freedom movement.

D. Relevance of the Gadar Movement in Contemporary Times

Even in contemporary times, the Gadar Movement holds relevance. It serves as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by Indians, both at home and abroad, in the quest for freedom. The story of the Gadar Movement underscores the values of courage, unity, and patriotism.

The Gadar Movement also offers lessons about the significance of global solidarity and the diaspora’s role in national causes. It underlines the impact of international events and geopolitical realities on national struggles, a lesson that remains pertinent in today’s interconnected world.

International Connections and Impact

A. Gadar Activism: Racial Project vs. Attempt to Overthrow British Empire

The Gadar Movement was unique in its approach as it transcended geographical boundaries and developed a global dimension to its activism. This activism had two primary facets: opposing racial discrimination in host countries and planning an armed rebellion against the British Empire in India. The Gadarites used their experiences of racial discrimination and socio-economic hardships in countries like the United States and Canada to fuel their resentment against the British, whom they held responsible for their plight both at home and abroad. This experience of racism also helped them connect with other marginalized communities, building a broader base of support for their activities.

B. Support from International Anti-British Entities

The Gadar Movement received substantial support from international entities that were opposed to British imperialism. Most notably, Germany, which was at war with Britain during World War I, provided financial and strategic support to the Gadarites in their fight against the British Empire. This international support was critical in aiding the activities of the Gadar Movement and furthering its cause.

C. Influence and Impact on the Global Indian Diaspora

The Gadar Movement had a profound impact on the Indian diaspora. It ignited a sense of patriotism among overseas Indians and galvanized them into action. The movement served to unify the Indian diaspora, cutting across regional and religious divides, and mobilizing them for the cause of India’s freedom. The Gadarites, through their revolutionary activities, also helped draw international attention to India’s struggle for independence, thus adding a global dimension to the Indian freedom movement.

Even though the Gadar Movement did not achieve its immediate objectives, it instilled a sense of nationalism among Indians worldwide, reinforcing the belief that the fight for freedom was not confined to India’s geographical boundaries but was a global struggle that involved every person of Indian origin. This idea continues to resonate among the global Indian diaspora even today.

Women in the Gadar Movement

A. Overview of Women’s Role in the Movement

Women played a pivotal role in the Gadar Movement, both as supporters and active participants. They made significant contributions, often working behind the scenes and without the recognition accorded to their male counterparts. These women were involved in a variety of roles – as propagandists, organizers, fundraisers, and even fighters. Their houses often served as meeting points for the Gadarites, and they helped in spreading the revolutionary message among other women. They showcased immense courage and determination, challenging not only the British Empire but also the societal norms of the time.

B. Notable Women Activists: Gulab Kaur, Bhikaji Cama, Agnes Smedley

Among the women involved in the Gadar Movement, several stood out for their contributions. Gulab Kaur, a Sikh woman from Punjab, was an active member of the Gadar Party. She was deeply involved in the planning of the uprising and was later arrested for her role in the movement. Despite facing severe hardship, she remained steadfast in her commitment to the cause of freedom.

Bhikaji Cama was another prominent figure associated with the Gadar Movement. Though based in Paris, she was actively involved in supporting the movement from abroad. She is famously known for unfurling the first version of the Indian National Flag at the International Socialist Congress held in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1907.

Agnes Smedley, an American journalist, and writer, was another significant woman associated with the Gadar Movement. While not of Indian origin, Smedley was a committed anti-imperialist who provided support to the Gadarites. She used her writings to expose the atrocities of British rule in India and to drum up international support for India’s struggle for independence.

These women, along with countless others, played an essential role in the Gadar Movement. Their contributions highlight the critical role of women in India’s struggle for independence and the broader global fight against imperialism.

Significance and Lessons Learned from the Gadar Movement

The Gadar Movement, though short-lived and ultimately unsuccessful, holds immense significance in the history of India’s struggle for independence. It was one of the earliest organized attempts to overthrow British rule through an armed rebellion, marking a critical shift in the tactics of the freedom struggle. The Gadarites’ commitment to their cause, their willingness to sacrifice, and their global approach to the freedom struggle have left indelible lessons for subsequent generations.

Their attempt to incite an armed rebellion underlines the importance of timing and strategic planning in any revolutionary movement. Their failure, due to infiltration by British intelligence and insufficient support within India, is a lesson in the need for internal unity and mass support in any struggle against an oppressive regime.

Notable Trivia and Lasting Impact on Indian Independence Struggle

An interesting fact about the Gadar Movement is its wide reach despite having been formed by immigrant workers in the United States. It not only influenced Indians in North America but also managed to impact the Indian diaspora globally and Indians back home.

The Gadar Movement’s legacy is its lasting impact on the Indian independence struggle. It paved the way for later armed struggles against British rule and significantly influenced the course of the independence movement. The courage and dedication of the Gadarites inspired many future revolutionaries and infused renewed vigor into the freedom struggle. The Gadar Movement, thus, has left a lasting imprint on the history of India’s fight for independence. It remains a symbol of rebellion and the indomitable spirit of resistance against oppressive rule.


A. Glossary of Terms
  • Gadar Movement: A revolutionary campaign initiated by Indian immigrants in North America against British rule in India during the early 20th century.
  • Gadar Party: A political organization formed in 1913, advocating for the end of British rule in India through an armed revolution.
  • Komagata Maru Incident: A significant event in 1914 when a Japanese ship carrying Indian immigrants was denied entry into Canada due to exclusionary immigration laws.
  • Lala Har Dayal: A scholar turned activist and one of the key ideologues of the Gadar Party.
B. Timeline of Events in the Gadar Movement
  • 1913: Formation of the Gadar Party in San Francisco, United States.
  • 1914: Outbreak of World War I; the Gadar Party sees it as an opportunity to incite a rebellion against British rule in India.
  • 1914: The Komagata Maru incident took place, causing a significant uproar and strengthening support for the Gadar Movement.
  • 1915: Planned rebellion in India by the Gadar Party is suppressed by British intelligence.
  • Post-1915: Several Gadar Party leaders and members were tried and convicted for treason in the Lahore Conspiracy Case; however, the Gadar Party continues its activities, albeit on a smaller scale.
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