History MCQ Test – 85

Read the questions given below. Select the best from the given 4 options-

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1. Under the Mughals, ____ was administered as a department of the household.


2. What was the important reason for the fall of the Vijayanagar Empire?


3. Subhash Bose selected the best soldiers from the three existing brigades (named after Gandhi, Azad and Nehru) and organized a new brigade which the soldiers themselves called


4. Which social evil was conspicuously absent in ancient India?


5. Muhammad-bin Tughluq transferred his capital from Delhi to Devagiri (which he named Daulatabad) because


6. Which of the following is not included in Triratna of Jainism?


7. That the Rig Vedic Aryana were a pastoral people is borne out by the fact that


8. The Sultanate of Delhi reached the height of its power during the reign of


9. The Sultan of the Sultanate of Delhi, who transferred his capital from Delhi to Agra, was


10. During the 4th century AD the Western Satraps were conquered by


11. Who founded the ‘All India Harijan Samaj’ in 1932?


12. The day (December 22, 1939) the Congress Ministries resigned in the Provinces the, Muslim League observed


13. Kondana was renamed Singarh by


14. When did the best productions of Gandhara sculpture appear?


Question 1 of 14

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