History MCQ Test – 88By Vinay Pal Read the questions given below. Select the best from the given 4 options- Please enter your email: 1. The ancient, medical treatise, Charaka Samhita is attributed to Charaka, who was a contemporary of Kanishka Chandragupta Maurya Samudragupta Ashoka 2. Identify, among the following, the saint who had preached non-sectarianism in Medieval times Raghunandan Ramananda Tukaram Dadu 3. The mausoleum of Jahangir had been built by _____ at _____. Shah Jahan : Fatehpur Sikri NooIjahan: Agra Shah Jahan: Delhi Noorjahan: Lahore 4. The capital of the Pallavas was Kanchi or Conjeevaram Thanjavur Madurai Mahabalipuram 5. Tashkent Agreement was signed between India and _______. China Pakistan Tibet Afghanistan 6. Madras was returned by the French to the British in 1748 by the Treaty of Delhi Aix-la-Chapelle Paris London 7. In Sanskrit plays written during the Gupta period, women and Sudras speak Sauraseni Prakrit Sanskrit Pali 8. Communal Representation was for the first time given in the interest of Muslims by The Government of India Act of 1919 The Indian Council Act of 1909 The Act of 1858 The Government of India Act of 1935 9. By the Act of 1858, India was to be governed In the name of Governor-General of India By a Board of Directors In the name of the Crown By the Company 10. The most important poet at the court of Mahmud of Ghazni, who wrote Shahnama and is regarded as the “Immortal Homer of the East” was Utbi Alberuni Firdausi Baihaqi 11. The Atharva Veda does not discuss the ideal of Moksha Jnana Karma Upasana 12. The Indus Valley Civilisation type was found in Egypt China Sumer All The Three 13. The Act constituting the first legislative interference by the British Parliament in the affairs of India was the Fox’s India Act, 1783 Declaratory Act, 1781 Regulating Act, 1773 Pitt’s India Act, 1784 14. To whom had Mohammad Ghuri assigned the first Iqta in India? Tajuddin Yalduz Nasiruddin Qubacha Shamsuddin Iltutmish Qutub-ud-din Aibak 15. The authoritative treatise on Hindu law, Mitakshara, was written by Jimutavahana Manu Vigneswara Hemadri Loading … Question 1 of 15