History MCQ Test – 94By Vinay Pal Read the questions given below. Select the best from the given 4 options- Please enter your email: 1. The Ancient Monuments Preservation Act was passed during the viceroyalty of Hastings Dalhousie Curzon Ripon 2. The philosophy propounded in the Upanishads is known as Samkhya Advaita Yoga Vedanta 3. The Aryans succeeded in their conflicts with the pre-Aryans because They Used Elephants On A Large Scale they used chariots driven by horses they were taller and stronger they were from an advanced urban culture 4. The Golden Jubilee of the Indian Rational Congress (1885-1935) fell in 1935, which was observed during the session held at Karachi Nowhere Lucknow Faizpur 5. The youngest President of the Indian National Congress, who held that office at the age of 35, was Abul Kalam Azad Jawaharlal Nehru Subhash Chandra Bose Annie Besant 6. The Indian ruler who had issued a royal edict forbidding anyone to laugh in his court was Aurangzeb Balban Muhammad-bin-Tughluq Iltutmish 7. The Sikh guru who had fought the Mughals was Guru Gobind Singh Guru Nanak Dev Guru Hargobind Guru Tegh Bahadur 8. The Nobility of the Delhi Sultanate was largely composed of Arabs Composite elements Turks Afghans 9. Market control had been first introduced in Medieval India by Ghiyasuddin Balban Iltutmish Firuz Shah Tughluq Alauddin Khalji 10. Which of the following songs was so dear to Gandhiji’s heart, that he wrote: ‘That one song is enough to sustain me, even if I were to forget the ‘Bhagwad Gita’. Hare Ram Vaishnava Jana To Tene Kahiye Ishwar Allah Tero Nam Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram 11. Shivaji submitted to Jai Singh and signed the treaty of Konkan Poona Surat Purandhar 12. The two colossal images of the Buddha at Bamiyan are an instance of the _____ art? Early Mathura Maurya Gandhara Gupta 13. The immediate cause for the Mutiny was The Episode of the Greased Cartridges Doctrine of Lapse The fear of me Indians that they would be converted to Christianity The Social Legislation of 1856 14. The Battle of Buxar was fought between the combined armies (of the Nawab of Awadh, the Mughal Emperor and Mir Kasim II) and the Dutch French English Portuguese 15. Which of the following Vedas was compiled first? Atharvaveda Rigveda Samaveda Yajurveda Loading … Question 1 of 15