History Quiz – 51

Below are some Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) from History frequently asked in various examinations like SSC, NDA, UPPSC, UPSC, CDS, and other State Examinations-

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1. This social reformer most ardently worked for the removal of untouchability and uplift the depressed classes before Gandhiji came on the scene


2. Who had preached “Rama and Rahim are two different names of the same God”?


3. Babar came to India originally from


4. The Tata Iron and Steel Works was completed with the aid of


5. The earliest surviving extant, i.e. still standing, temples date from the ______ period?


6. As per Cabinet Mission Plan, the strength of the Constituent Assembly would be


7. Who among the following is known for his work on medicine during the Gupta period?


8. Earlier mathematicians (i.e. those who came before medieval Indian mathematicians) had taught that X/0=X; who among the following proved that it was infinity?


9. Where had Qutub-ud-din Aibak got constructed the Adhai-din-ka Jhonpra (Hut of Two-and-a-half- Days)?


10. The first known ruler to introduce canal irrigation in India was


11. Who of the following Portuguese Viceroys in India captured Goa (1510) from the Adil Shahi Sultan of Bijapur and made it the headquarters of the Portuguese government in India?


12. An elaborate system of municipal administration had been established by


13. The estate of Shivaji’s father was


14. The name Buddha means


15. The ritualistic precepts pertaining to the hymns of the Vedas are known as the




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