Functions of the parliament

Functions of the Parliament

The Parliament has several functions, including:

  1. Lawmaking: The primary function of the Parliament is to make laws on a wide range of subjects, including economic, social, and political issues.
  2. Budget: The Parliament approves the annual budget of the government, including the revenue and expenditure estimates.
  3. Oversight: The Parliament provides oversight over the executive branch of the government, including the power to question ministers and civil servants, and to conduct investigations into government actions.
  4. Representation: The Parliament represents the people of India, with members elected from all parts of the country and from various social and economic backgrounds.
  5. Constitutional amendments: The Parliament has the power to amend the Indian Constitution, subject to certain procedural requirements.
  6. International relations: The Parliament also plays an important role in India’s foreign policy, by approving treaties, agreements, and other international engagements of the government.

Overall, the Indian Parliament is a vital institution for democratic governance in India, with the power to shape policy, hold the government accountable, and represent the diverse voices of the Indian people.

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