Key words in the preamble

Key words in the Preamble

The Preamble to the Indian Constitution is a brief introductory statement that sets forth the objectives and principles of the Constitution. It consists of a few key words that are of great significance in understanding the ideals and aspirations of the Indian Constitution. The key words in the Preamble are:

  1. Sovereign: The word ‘sovereign’ means that India is a free and independent country that is not under the control or domination of any other external power. India is free to determine its own political, economic, and social policies without any external interference.
  2. Socialist: The word ‘socialist’ means that India is committed to building a society based on the principles of social justice, equality, and the equitable distribution of wealth and resources. It aims to eliminate poverty, unemployment, and social inequalities, and promote the welfare of all its citizens.
  3. Secular: The word ‘secular’ means that India is a country that does not have an official state religion, and all religions are treated equally by the state. The state is neutral towards all religions and does not discriminate on the basis of religion.
  4. Democratic: The word ‘democratic’ means that India is a country that is governed by the people, for the people, and of the people. The Constitution provides for a system of representative democracy, where citizens elect their representatives to govern on their behalf.
  5. Republic: The word ‘republic’ means that India is a country that is not ruled by a monarch or a hereditary head of state, but by elected representatives. The President of India is the head of the state, but the position is not hereditary and the President is elected by an electoral college.

       6. Justice: India is committed to achieving justice, both social and economic, for all its citizens.

       7.Liberty: India guarantees its citizens the liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith, and         worship.

       8.Equality: India is committed to achieving equality of status and opportunity for all its citizens.

       9.Fraternity: India seeks to promote fraternity among its citizens, ensuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation.

These key words in the Preamble reflect the values and principles that are at the heart of the Indian Constitution and its commitment to democracy, equality, justice, and social and economic development.

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