Words Starting With Q

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Quadragenarian Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Quadragenarian – Noun Quadragenarian Meaning in English: between the ages of 40 and 50 Quadragenarian Meaning in Hindi: चालीस वर्षीय चालीस साला Use of “Quadragenarian” Word in Sentences, Examples English: The conference was attended by many quadragenarians who shared their insights and experiences in their respective fields. Hindi: कांफ्रेंस में कई चालीसियों ने अपने विषयगत …

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Quitter Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Quitter – Noun Quitter Meaning in English:  someone stopping trying if they have problems A person who gives up easily, especially when facing challenges, difficulties, or hardships. Quitter Meaning in Hindi: कायर कामचोर Use of “Quitter” Word in Sentences, Examples English: John was always considered a quitter because he never completed any project he started. …

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Quagmire Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Quagmire – Noun Quagmire Meaning in English: Swamp Morass It refers to a soft, muddy area of wet ground that is difficult to walk through. Quagmire Meaning in Hindi: दलदल कीचड़ भूमि Use of “Quagmire” Word in Sentences, Examples English: After heavy rains, the path through the forest became a quagmire, making hiking nearly impossible. …

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Quadrennial Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Quadrennial – Adjective Quadrennial Meaning in English: of or lasting for four year It relates to or occurs every four years. Quadrennial Meaning in Hindi: चतुर्वार्षिक चौसाला Use of “Quadrennial” Word in Sentences, Examples English: The Olympics are a quadrennial event, taking place every four years. Hindi: ओलंपिक चार वर्षीय घटना है, हर चार वर्ष …

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Quack Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Quack – Noun / Verb Quack Meaning in English: ignorant pretender to medical skill A quack is someone who falsely claims to have medical knowledge or skills and offers medical advice or treatments without proper training or qualifications. Quack Meaning in Hindi: झूठा डॉक्टर Use of “Quack” Word in Sentences, Examples English: Be wary of …

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Quaint Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Quaint – Adjective Quaint Meaning in English: attractiveness Something that is attractively unusual, old-fashioned, charmingly odd, or pleasantly peculiar. Quaint Meaning in Hindi: अनोखा Use of “Quaint” Word in Sentences, Examples English: The quaint little cottage in the countryside looked like it came straight out of a fairy tale. Hindi: गांव की छोटी सी अजीब …

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Qualify Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Qualify – Verb Qualify Meaning in English: certificated licensed Qualify Meaning in Hindi: पास करना Use of “Qualify” Word in Sentences, Examples English: He studied hard to qualify for the prestigious civil services examination. Hindi: उसने मेहनत की ताकि प्रतिष्ठित सिविल सेवा परीक्षा में योग्य हो सके। Synonyms of Qualify: meet the requirements, be eligible, …

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Quiescent Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Quiescent – Adjective Quiescent Meaning in English: inactive inert It describes something that is still, quiet, or not showing signs of activity or development at a particular time. Quiescent Meaning in Hindi: निष्क्रिय शांत सुनसान Use of “Quiescent” Word in Sentences, Examples English: The volcano had been quiescent for many years, but geologists were monitoring …

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Querulous Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Querulous – Adjective Querulous Meaning in English: often complaining touchy pettish It implies a tendency to find faults or raise objections frequently. Querulous Meaning in Hindi: शिकायती चिड़चिड़ा कुड़कुड़ानेवाला Use of “Querulous” Word in Sentences, Examples English: The querulous customer complained about every aspect of the service, from the seating arrangement to the temperature of …

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